
Winner:  Julian Hayter - 214 runs @ 35.67

Also nominated:  Morgan Couch - 182 runs @ 22.75 and Harry Southgate - 205 runs @ 29.29


Winner:  George Tapley - 11 wickets @ 15.45

Also nominated:  Christian Pinnock - 11 wickets @ 16.91 and Marcus Sapiecha - 8 wickets @ 19.75


Joint Winners:  Morgan Couch (3 ct & 3 st) and Marcus Sapiecha (3 ct and 3 run outs)

Also nominated:  Harry Williams (5 ct) 

Coaches 'Man of the Match' Award:

Winner:  Harry Southgate (3)

Also nominated:  Julian Hayter and George Tapley (both 2)

Player of the Year:

Winner:  Julian Hayter - 294 MVP points

Also nominated:  Morgan Couch - 282 MVP points and Harry Southgate - 245 MVP points