Feniton CC were the latest Discretionary Development Grant recipients, jointly given by the Tolchards Devon Cricket League and the David Shepherd Cricket Trust.
The award of £463.69 was given for the expansion of the club's youth section, which included the cost of coaching courses and new kit.
At the start of the season, the club had only 14 children participating in the All Stars programme and were struggling to get even an Under 10 softball team together. With the assistance of then East Devon Community Cricket Coach, Damian Price, the club visited local primary schools, which resulted in nearly 30 additional young children joining the club. In recognition of this problem, over the winter, Mark Salter had already attained his Level 2 coaching certificate and Joe Blackmore volunteered to take his course at Level 1.
"The club very much appreciates the assistance of both the Devon Cricket League and the David Shepherd Cricket Trust in supporting us in this way," says Feniton CC's Peter Avery.
As a result, Feniton CC have entered teams at Under 10 softball and Under 12 level in the Devon Youth League. A total of 11 matches have been played including a mixture of hardball and softball.
Players aged 13 and below are now training every Thursday for a couple of hours and developing their skills and enjoyment of cricket. Their confidence has grown accordingly, helped in no small measure by the inspiration of their coaches.
The grant has allowed Feniton CC to invest in both much-needed cricket equipment for training and matches, and to invest in the training of their coaches. Two Club coaches Joe Blackmore and Dan Mortimer have enjoyed the experience so much that they want to develop their skills further over the coming winter.
There is naturally a great amount of inexperience within the teams, and some of the players, both boys and a high number of girls, have never played cricket before. However, with weekly coaching and encouragement, the coaches have seen a massive improvement in the standard of play which augurs well for the future.
Further information about the Discretionary Development Grants may be found on the League’s Play-Cricket site at League's Play-Cricket site or by contacting Ed Leverton, Development sub-committee member, on 07534 579924.