Jon Sparkes departs as Chair of Devon Cricket following the completion of his tenure.

Jon has been involved with Devon Cricket for almost 13 years, initially serving as the Board's Finance Director for seven years.

"I have thoroughly enjoyed being Board Chair,
although it has not been without its challenges!"

Following Jim Wood's move to the ECB in 2017, Jon took on the chairmanship of the Board and has led the organisation through the implementation of the County Partnership Agreement with the ECB and the Covid-19 pandemic.

"When I started as finance director, the Board was very different, with only two full-time and two part-time employees. It has been a period of significant change and growth for the Board and I am pleased to have been able to play some part in this," said Jon.

"Devon Cricket continues to go from strength to strength. Despite the challenges of the last few years, the Board’s finances are as sound as ever and a number of new areas of activity evolve.

"The growth of the women and girls' game and growth of participation for young people through National Programmes such as All Stars and Dynamos continue to be a success in the county."

Jon Sparkes during the 20th Under 15 Boys Tour of South Africa.

Jon's departure comes as the Devon Cricket Board moves to a charitable structure and rebrands as the Devon Cricket Foundation, with the aim of further expanding its provision of 'Cricket for Good' programmes.

"I have thoroughly enjoyed being Board Chair, although it has not been without its challenges – right up to the end! I could not have undertaken the role successfully without the help of the other directors and staff to whom I would extend my grateful thanks.

"I will continue to support the Board where I can whether in matters of finance or as a scorer for County Age Group teams and will have plenty to keep me busy in the cricket world at Ivybridge CC."

Speaking on Jon's departure, Interim Chair, Mark Couch, said:

"I would to thank Jon on behalf of the Devon Cricket Board for the massive contribution he has made to the Board and, more recently, the transition to Devon Cricket Foundation and charitable status. Not only that, Jon has led the board through some challenging times, notably Covid-19 and the issues that the ECB have faced. To do this in a voluntary role with little or no thanks is a testament to his commitment to cricket in Devon."

The Devon Cricket Foundation are now looking to recruit a Chair. Further information here.