The purpose of this update is to let you know about changes to the DBS process which have recently come into place which mean that under certain circumstances people can now port in their DBS checks from other organisations.
From the 1st May 2015, the ECB can accept DBS checks from other organisations, providing the individual is registered with the DBS’ Online Update Service and the check is the correct type of DBS check - Enhanced with Barred List check for working with children.
GB Group will administer the process on behalf of the ECB.
If an individual states they have a DBS from another organisation, that they wish to use, the following question should be asked:
1) Have you registered with the DBS online update service?
If not we cannot accept their DBS from another organisation and they must complete an ECB DBS application.
If so, provide GBGroup’s contact details – or telephone 0845 251 3000 so they can request the necessary consent form and documentation.
Please note that this ONLY applies to individuals who are registered with the Online Update Service
The individual should not be permitted to undertake regulated activity until they have completed the process and show as vetted on CBMS
For more details about registering for the online service you can look here:
And if you need to get hold of a supply of DBS forms for your club then use this link:
Thanks again for all your efforts
James May
Welfare Officer
Devon Cricket Board