In response to a number of requests the ECB has issued the following guidelines concerning the participation of girls in boys’ cricket:
The ECB wishes to encourage the development of girl cricketers and is happy for them to participate in boys' cricket
Team managers and coaches have a duty of care to all players and girls should only be allowed to participate if the responsible adults are satisfied they are competent to do so
Suitable arrangements need to be in place, particularly in relation to changing facilities and transportation arrangements, if applicable
In ECB national competitions the age group requirements apply to all players regardless of their sex
In local Leagues, and other competitions, it is up to each League, or competition, to specify age group requirements. If girls who are older than the specified age group are allowed to play, the League must specify a maximum age for the girl players and confirm how many older girls can play in any team. The same regulations must apply to all clubs in that League or competition
For the sake of clarity it should be understood that boys cannot play in girls Leagues or competitions unless explicit provision for this is included in the rules of that League or competition. Boys cannot play in the ECB girls' competitions
Any questions relating to these be referred to these guidelines should