On Monday 2nd August, Sandford Cricket Club hosted Devon's first Young Cricket Officials Course. Developed by the Association of Cricket Officials to promote umpiring and scoring to younger cricketers aged 13-19, the course is an introduction to the skills needed to complete the roles. The course is more interactive then the traditional courses and ends in a practical session where they can practice there new found skills in a game.
Headed up by Rhys Callicott, Devon's youngest panel umpire and tutor for courses over the winter, the evening started with a review of umpire duties and kit needed before looking at game management and dismissals. The next step was to look at the duties of the scorers and then learn how to use the APP which they had all downloaded onto their phones.
Once all this was done, the candidates were ready to move outside and put there skills into a gameplay situation. Before they went out, the were gifted with a ball counter which had been purchased for the candidates by the David Shepherd Cricket Trust.
Rhys explains game situations and positions to the candidates
Elle and Chloe use the APP to score the game
Each candidate will receive a shirt on completion of the course and will also be notified of events run by the county board that they can get involved in during August to develop their skills alongside long standing umpires. Should the candidates choose to take up these posts, they will be presented with a Devon Association of Cricket Officials cap, which was also kindly sponsored by the David Shepherd Cricket Trust.
It is hoped that this course will be the start of the journey for some of these young cricketers and that they go on to umpire and score at their clubs and beyond. They are ideally skilled to officiate junior games at their club.
The candidates with their over counters
Thanks to Rhys Callicott who took time to come and run the course and to Sandford Cricket Club for hosting. Many thanks to the David Shepherd Cricket Trust for supporting the candidates and will continue to do so with course fees should they wish to develop their skills over the winter by undertaking a Level 1 umpire or scorers course, which can be found here
If you would like to find out more about the Young Cricket Officials, then please click here