Participating in or spectating outdoor summer sports can mean that we are subjected to ‘prolonged sun exposure’ from UV ray which without protection, can harm our skin. With just one blistering sunburn doubling the risk of melanoma in later life, it is important that we are all vigilant, and that children learn and deploy good sun protection habit from an early age.
To ensure that awareness is carried out at club level, the ECB proudly supports the Outdoor Kids Sun Safety Code, devised by the Melanoma Fund. The campaign was developed by leading skin cancer specialists, alongside experts in physical education and safeguarding to ensure the information is up-to-date, accurate and relevant.
The ECB recommends that groups and individuals sign up to become Sun Protection Accredited to the campaign. This is FREE to use and once registered you will receive a toolkit of resources which can be used within the club and on your digital platforms to engage with children and seek support from parents. Here are their top 5 tips:
PREPARE: Ensure that everyone arrives ready for a day in the sun
PROTECT: Use clothing, hats/sunglasses, and sunscreen (SPF30+) reapplied at breaks
SHADE: Avoid direct sunlight during lunch or whilst spectating others
HYDRATE: Ensure water is always available
LEAD BY EXAMPLE: Inspire children with your own actions
The campaign also features the Sun-Sorted! quiz which can be used to educate children on the sun, their environment, and their skin, helping them understand why they are asked to protect their skin, making your job easier. For further details visit: