"A great end to another great year," said Mark, one of the team managers who joined us for Colour Me Cricket at Sandford CC on Sunday. "We have had so much fun today."
Colour Me Cricket has become the traditional end-of-season event to round up the Softball Girls' season. Based on a 'Colour Me Run', the teams collect colours while they play for events like bowling a wide and taking a catch. When the game is finished, the girls move to the Colour Collection Zone, where they collect all their colours and throw them.
"It is my favourite day of the year. The day is not about winning, it is just about participation and working together to collect the colours. It is the most joyous cricket event all season!" says the Devon Cricket Foundation's Women & Girls' Development Officer, Ann-Marie Presswell.
Punctuated by squeals of delight and lots of laughter, from players, managers and parents alike, the event saw 10 teams competing at Sandford CC's Creedy Park. "This is so much fun. I really love cricket!" shouted a young girl running past, covered in powdered paint from head to toe. "We need to hurry and collect the colours for the next game."
Chris Blake, Head of Girls' Cricket at Sandford CC commented: "Due to the number of teams entered we took on the event at the last minute. We attended last year and so were keen to host as it is so much fun.
"The girls have been looking forward to it all year. It was fantastic to see the club so busy with girls playing cricket and we already can’t wait to host at the end of next season!"
For further information or for help setting up a women and/or girls' section at your club, please contact Ann-Marie Presswell.