Strawberry Lane
Ottery St Mary
EX11 1RG
Formed: 1858
Ground Name: Salston Field
Directions: Travelling on A30 from Exeter, turn off at Daisymount junction onto B3174 signposted Ottery St Mary. Immediately before river bridge turn right onto B3177 (Strawberry Lane). Strawberry Lane Ground entrance is 100 yards on left. Travelling from the East. Pass through Town centre, over river bridge then left onto B3177, signposted West Hill, then as above.
Chair League Rep Treasurer Fixtures Secretary Junior Coordinator Safeguarding Officer Women & Girls Organiser Grounds Manager 1st XI Captain 2nd XI Captain
Chair |
Rob Johns |
Telephone |
Mobile |
07973 266548 |
Email | |
| |
League Rep |
Will Harrison |
Position in club |
Telephone 1 |
Telephone 2 |
Mobile |
07737 079199 |
Fax |
Email | |
| |
Treasurer |
Richard Lock |
Telephone |
01404 812947 |
Mobile |
Email | |
| |
Fixture Secretary |
Vicky Johns |
Telephone |
Mobile |
Email | |
| |
Junior Coordinator |
Phil Smart |
Telephone |
Mobile |
07881 942786 |
Email | |
| |
Safeguarding Officer |
Ian Jeacock |
Telephone |
Mobile |
07796 417457 |
Email | |
| |
Women & Girls Organiser |
Alex Clements |
Telephone |
Mobile |
07813 338312 |
Email | |
| |
Grounds Manager |
Robert Bradshaw-Smith |
Telephone |
01404 811257 |
Mobile |
Email | |
| |
1st XI Captain |
Sam O'Nyons |
Telephone |
Mobile |
07429 869638 |
Email | |
Division |
C East |
| |
2nd XI Captain |
Matthew Brewster |
Telephone |
Mobile |
07939 919800 |
Email | |
Division |
D East |
| |
Ground Name |
Salston Field |
Address |
Strawberry Lane
Ottery St Mary
EX11 1RG |
Telephone |
Directions |
Travelling on A30 from Exeter, turn off at Daisymount junction onto B3174 signposted Ottery St Mary. Immediately before river bridge turn right onto B3177 (Strawberry Lane). Strawberry Lane Ground entrance is 100 yards on left. Travelling from the East. Pass through Town centre, over river bridge then left onto B3177, signposted West Hill, then as above. |
Map Pitch 1 |
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Map Pitch 2 |