Category Three Affiliation
Category Two is the affiliation category for Devon clubs with at least one open-age team and who provide regular training and/or playing opportunities for two or more of the following sections:
- Junior Cricket
- Women and/or Girls’ Cricket
- Disability Cricket
Category Three clubs receive all the benefits of a Category One club, as well as the relevant support from the corresponding columns below.
- Support with establishing ECB All Stars and Dynamos Cricket (National Programmes).
- Access to National Programme activator training, promotion and support.
- Eligible to enter teams into junior leagues and festivals.
- Bespoke support from DCF staff to support junior section development.
- Opportunity for DCF staff to deliver in local schools.
- Eligible to nominate players for Devon Performance Pathway.
- Eligible to enter ECB Junior Cup Competitions, including Lady Taverners, ECB U13 / U15 and DYCL U17 / U19 Cups.
- Eligible for ‘Creating Welcoming Environments’ theme of the ECB County Grant Scheme (£1,000-£10,000).
- Full eligibilty for an ECB interest free loan (£1,000-£50,000).
- Opportunties for children to be the ‘guard of honour’ at Somerset.
- Direct support from the Devon Cricket Foundation’s Women & Girls’ Development Officer.
- Eligible to enter Devon Women’s hardball and softball cricket leagues.
- Eligible to enter the Devon Girls’ Cricket League.
- Opportunity to participate in Women’s Softball Festivals.
- Opportunity to participate in Girls’ Softball Festivals.
- Access to softball-to-hardball transition events for women and girls.
- Support with delivery in local primary and secondary schools.
- Eligible for ‘Enhanced Facilities & Playing Opportunties’ theme of the ECB County Grant Scheme (£1,000-£10,000).
- Bespoke female cricket events (volunteer education, reward and recognition).
- Promotional and marketing support.
- Access to online groups and forums.
- Access to Western Storm ticket offers.
- Direct support from the Devon Cricket Foundation’s Super1s Disability Development Officer.
- Opportunity to become a Champion Club, which includes £500 funding, kit/resources and direct support.
- Support with delivery in local schools.
- Access to disability and inclusion workshops.
- Eligible for ‘Enhanced Facilities & Playing Opportunties’ theme of the ECB County Grant Scheme (£1,000-£10,000).