If you need a DBS you can ask your Club Safeguarding Officer (CSO) to initiate the online application for you, alternatively you can contact info@devoncricket.co.uk.
In order to initiate an application, the verifier will require:
1. Full Name (including title - Mr/Mrs/Miss/Ms/Dr)
2. Date of Birth
3. Preferred Email Address
4. Club Affiliation
5. Club Role
The following roles require an ECB Vetting check:
• Safeguarding Officer (all Club, League and County posts)
• Volunteer Co-ordinator
• Coach (whether volunteer or paid, assisting or leading)
• Umpire
• Juniors managers
• Age Group Managers
• Open Age Team Captains
• Junior Supervisors
• All Stars/Dynamos Activators/helpers
• First Aiders / Physiotherapists / Medical Support
Roles which are NOT eligible for Vetting checks
Roles that do not involve significant contact with children are not eligible for DBS checks. This is because they do not meet the eligibility criteria.
• Chairman
• Scorer
• Treasurer
• Secretary (Membership or Fixtures – including Junior Membership secretary)
• Bar manager
• Ground staff
• Administrator
One important advisory is to make sure your application is made in your full, legal name as it appears on your ID documents. If not, the full and proper checks may not be performed and your application may be invalid.
Once your application has been initiated, the system will issue you with an email which will contain a link for you to complete and submit your application.
Step-by-step guide to applying for a DBS
Once completed you will need to have your documents verified.